Constant for bandpass OregonDSP filter creation.
Type: string
Constant for lowpass OregonDSP filter creation.
Type: string
Constant for highpass OregonDSP filter creation.
Type: string
Remove the mean from a seismogram. Subtract the mean from each data point.
input seismogram
seismogram with mean of zero
Type: {slope: number, intercept: number, reference_time: DateTime, sigma: number, sigma_a: number, sigma_b: number, correlation: number}
Calculate best fit line to seismogram. Limited to contiguous data currently. Code derived from scm/lifite.c in SAC. Original version from Steve Taylor.
best fit line
Returns a new Seismogram with the trend removed by subtracting the trend line from each data point.
input seismogram
optional fit type
seismogram with mean of zero and best fit line horizontal
Apply the frequency independent overall gain to a seismogram. This does not do a full transfer using poles and zero, this only applies the scalar conversion factor to convert counts back to original real world units and update the units.
the seismogram to correct
overall gain object, usually pulled from stationxml
new seismogram with original units, like m/s and gain applied.
(any | any | any)
Creates a Butterworth IIR filter using the OregonDSP library.
number of poles
type, use constants of BAND_PASS, LOW_PASS, HIGH_PASS
low corner frequency
high corner frequency
delta, period, of timeseries
Butterworth IIR filter
Creates a Chebyshev I IIR filter using the OregonDSP library.
number of poles
Chebyshev epsilon value
type, use constants of BAND_PASS, LOW_PASS, HIGH_PASS
low corner frequency
high corner frequency
delta, period, of timeseries
Chebyshev I IIR filter
Creates a Chebyshev II IIR filter using the OregonDSP library.
number of poles
Chebyshev epsilon value
type, use constants of BAND_PASS, LOW_PASS, HIGH_PASS
low corner frequency
high corner frequency
delta, period, of timeseries
Chebyshev II IIR filter
Applies the filter to the given seismogram.
filter to apply
seismogram to apply filter to
filtered seismogram
Calculates the envelope, y_i = sqrt( y_i * y_i + h_i * h_i) where h is the hilber transform of y. The default configuration for the hilbet transform is n=100, lowEdge=.05 and highEdge = 0.95
seismogram to apply envelope to
seismogram cloned but with data as the envelope
Calculates the hilbert transform using the OregonDSP library with default number of points, n=10 (to yield a 21 pt FIR transform) and default low and high edge of 0.05 and 0.95. Low and high edge are given normalized 0 to 1.
Note this uses Float32Array, other array types will be converted, possibly losing precision.
seismogram to calculate from
optional number of points in transform, default is 10
low edge of filter, normailized to 0-1, default is 0.05
high edge of filter, normailized to 0-1, default is 0.95
hilbert transformed data
Differentiate a seismogram.
input seismogram
differentiated seismogram
Integrate a seismogram.
input seismogram
= 0
integration constant, optional, defaults to 0
integrated seismogram