Type: string
Type: {rawsequence: string, sequence: number, miniseed: DataRecord}
A seedlink websocket connection to the given url. The connection is not made until the connect() method is called. Note this cannot connect directly to a native TCP socket, instead it sends the seedlink protocol over a websocket. Currently only the IRIS ringserver, https://github.com/iris-edu/ringserver, supports websockets, but it may be possible to use thrid party tools to proxy the websocket to a TCP seedlink socket.
The seedlink (ver 3) protocol does not have an official spec document, but some details are here: https://www.seiscomp.de/doc/apps/seedlink.html
websocket URL to connect to
(function (packet: SequencedDataRecord): void)
the callback function that
will be invoked for each seedlink packet received
which contains 'sequence', a sequence number
and 'miniseed', a single miniseed record.
(function (error: Error): void)
Type: function (packet: SequencedDataRecord): void
Type: (null | function (close: CloseEvent): void)
(function (close: CloseEvent): void)