Type: {top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number, toString: function (): string?}
Type: string
Configuration object for Seismograph display.
Type: MarginType
Type: (null | LinkedAmplitudeScale)
(null | LinkedAmplitudeScale)
Type: (null | LinkedAmplitudeScale)
((null | LinkedAmplitudeScale))
Enable linked amplitude scales across seismographs.
Set Raw amplitude mode, plot absolute and goes from minimun to maximum of data
Set MinMax amplitude mode, plot is relative and centered on (minimun + maximum)/2
Set Mean amplitude mode, plot is relative and centered on mean of data
Set WithZero amplitude mode, plot is absolute and centered on mean of data like Raw, but also includes zero even if all data is positive. Useful when showing data compared to zero is helpful.
True if the amplitude is "centered".
Both MinMax and Mean center the amplitude, Raw and Zero do not.
if centered
Type: (null | Interval)
(null | Interval)
Type: (null | Interval)
((null | Interval))
Type: (null | LinkedTimeScale)
(null | LinkedTimeScale)
Type: (null | LinkedTimeScale)
((null | LinkedTimeScale))
Fake data to use to test alignment of seismograph axis and between canvas and svg drawing.
start and end of fake data
= -100
min amplitude for fake data, default is -100
= 100
max amplitude for fake data, default is 100
fake data
Type: {configId: number, showTitle: boolean, title: Array<string>, isXAxis: boolean, isXAxisTop: boolean, xLabel: string, xLabelOrientation: string, xSublabel: string, xSublabelIsUnits: boolean, isYAxis: boolean, isYAxisRight: boolean, isYAxisNice: boolean, yLabel: string, yLabelRight: string, yLabelOrientation: string, ySublabel: string, ySublabelTrans: number, ySublabelIsUnits: boolean, doMarkers: boolean, markerTextOffset: number, markerTextAngle: number, markerFlagpoleBase: string, minHeight: number, maxHeight: (null | number), minWidth: number, maxWidth: (null | number), margin: MarginType, segmentDrawCompressedCutoff: number, maxZoomPixelPerSample: number, connectSegments: boolean, lineColors: Array<string>, lineWidth: number, wheelZoom: boolean, amplitudeMode: AMPLITUDE_MODE, doGain: boolean, windowAmp: boolean, fixedAmplitudeScale: (null | Array<number>), fixedTimeScale: (null | Interval), isLinkedAmplitudeScale: boolean, isLinkedTimeScale: boolean, isRelativeTime: boolean}
((null | number))
((null | number))
((null | Interval))
function (domainValue: AxisDomain): string