fdsnevent [-vV] [--help] [--includeallmagnitudes] [--includeallorigins] [--includearrivals] [--printurl] [--raw] [--schema] [--validate] [-b=<startTime>] [--baseurl=<baseURL>] [--box=w/e/s/n] [-c=<catalog>] [-C=<contributor>] [--donut=lat/lon/min/max] [-e=<endTime>] [--eventid=<eventid>] [--host=<host>] [--lat=<latitude>] [--limit=<limit>] [--lon=<longitude>] [--maxdepth=<maxDepth>] [--maxlat=<maxLatitude>] [--maxlon=<maxLongitude>] [--maxmag=<maxMagnitude>] [--maxradius=<maxRadius>] [--mindepth=<minDepth>] [--minlat=<minLatitude>] [--minlon=<minLongitude>] [--minmag=<minMagnitude>] [--minradius=<minRadius>] [--nodata=<nodata>] [-o=<outputFile>] [--offset=<offset>] [--orderby=<orderBy>] [--port=<port>] [-t=<magnitudeType>] [--updatedafter=<updatedAfter>] [-m=<magnitudeRange> [<magnitudeRange>]]…
example client to query a remote FDSN Event web service
Times are ISO8601 formatted strings, like yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, and may be shortened to include only the significant fields. The remaining fields will be filled in as either zero or max value depending on the use. For example 2006-11-19 or 2006-11-19T06:34:21. The special strings now and yesterday may also be used.
- -b, --start, --starttime=<startTime>
Limit to events on or after the specified start time.
- --baseurl=<baseURL>
Base URL for queries, ie everything before the '/<service>/<version>/<query>?'
- --box=w/e/s/n
constraining box as west/east/south/north
- -c, --catalog=<catalog>
Limit to events from a specified catalog
- -C, --contributor=<contributor>
Limit to events contributed by a specified contributor.
- --donut=lat/lon/min/max
constraining donut as lat/lon/minRadius/maxRadius
- -e, --end, --endtime=<endTime>
Limit to events on or before the specified end time.
- --eventid=<eventid>
Select a specific event by ID; event identifiers are data center specific.
- --help
display a help message
- --host=<host>
host to connect to, defaults to
- --includeallmagnitudes
Specify if all magnitudes for the event should be included, default is data center dependent but is suggested to be the preferred magnitude only.
- --includeallorigins
Specify if all origins for the event should be included, default is data center dependent but is suggested to be the preferred origin only.
- --includearrivals
Specify if phase arrivals should be included.
- --lat, --latitude=<latitude>
Specify the latitude to be used for a radius search.
- --limit=<limit>
Limit the results to the specified number of events.
- --lon, --longitude=<longitude>
Specify the longitude to the used for a radius search.
- -m, --magnitude=<magnitudeRange> [<magnitudeRange>]
The range of acceptable magnitudes, max may be omitted.
- --maxdepth=<maxDepth>
Limit to events with depth less than the specified maximum.
- --maxlat, --maxlatitude=<maxLatitude>
Limit to events with a latitude smaller than the specified maximum.
- --maxlon, --maxlongitude=<maxLongitude>
Limit to events with a longitude smaller than the specified maximum.
- --maxmag, --maxmagnitude=<maxMagnitude>
Limit to events with a magnitude smaller than the specified maximum.
- --maxradius=<maxRadius>
Limit to events within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.
- --mindepth=<minDepth>
Limit to events with depth more than the specified minimum.
- --minlat, --minlatitude=<minLatitude>
Limit to events with a latitude larger than the specified minimum.
- --minlon, --minlongitude=<minLongitude>
Limit to events with a longitude larger than the specified minimum.
- --minmag, --minmagnitude=<minMagnitude>
Limit to events with a magnitude larger than the specified minimum.
- --minradius=<minRadius>
Limit to events within the specified minimum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.
- --nodata=<nodata>
nodata http return code
- -o, --output=<outputFile>
File for outputing result
- --offset=<offset>
Return results starting at the event count specified, starting at 1.
- --orderby=<orderBy>
Order the result by time or magnitude with the following possibilities: time: order by origin descending time time-asc : order by origin ascending time magnitude: order by descending magnitude magnitude-asc : order by ascending magnitude
- --port=<port>
port to connect to, defaults to 80
- --printurl
Construct and print URL and exit
- --raw
Output the raw data to stdout
- --schema
prints schema
- -t, --magtype, --magnitudetype=<magnitudeType>
Specify a magnitude type to use for testing the minimum and maximum limits.
- --updatedafter=<updatedAfter>
Limit to events updated after the specified time.
- -v, --verbose
- -V, --version
Print version and exit
- --validate
Validate XML against schema
Ask for magnitude 2 or larger events within 3 degrees of 32/-81 in December 2020 or January 2021.
> fdsnevent -b 2020-12 -e 2021-01 --donut 32/-81/0/3 -m 2
34.031166/-80.3835 2.05 md 2021-01-18T10:52:50.750Z
33.68667/-82.55883 2.38 md 2020-12-27T05:17:10.310Z
34.01483/-81.02033 2.37 md 2020-12-12T01:37:34.710Z
Only print the URL that would be accessed without connecting to the remote server.
> fdsnevent -b 2020-12 -e 2021-01 --donut 32/-81/0/3 -m 2 --printurl
Output the raw quakeml to a file.
> fdsnevent -b 2020-12 -e 2021-01 --donut 32/-81/0/3 -m 2 --raw -o events.quakeml