
fdsnevent [-vV] [--help] [--includeallmagnitudes] [--includeallorigins] [--includearrivals] [--printurl] [--raw] [--schema] [--validate] [-b=<startTime>] [--baseurl=<baseURL>] [--box=w/e/s/n] [-c=<catalog>] [-C=<contributor>] [--donut=lat/lon/min/max] [-e=<endTime>] [--eventid=<eventid>] [--host=<host>] [--lat=<latitude>] [--limit=<limit>] [--lon=<longitude>] [--maxdepth=<maxDepth>] [--maxlat=<maxLatitude>] [--maxlon=<maxLongitude>] [--maxmag=<maxMagnitude>] [--maxradius=<maxRadius>] [--mindepth=<minDepth>] [--minlat=<minLatitude>] [--minlon=<minLongitude>] [--minmag=<minMagnitude>] [--minradius=<minRadius>] [--nodata=<nodata>] [-o=<outputFile>] [--offset=<offset>] [--orderby=<orderBy>] [--port=<port>] [-t=<magnitudeType>] [--updatedafter=<updatedAfter>] [-m=<magnitudeRange> [<magnitudeRange>]]…​


example client to query a remote FDSN Event web service

Times are ISO8601 formatted strings, like yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss, and may be shortened to include only the significant fields. The remaining fields will be filled in as either zero or max value depending on the use. For example 2006-11-19 or 2006-11-19T06:34:21. The special strings now and yesterday may also be used.


-b, --start, --starttime=<startTime>

Limit to events on or after the specified start time.


Base URL for queries, ie everything before the '/<service>/<version>/<query>?'


constraining box as west/east/south/north

-c, --catalog=<catalog>

Limit to events from a specified catalog

-C, --contributor=<contributor>

Limit to events contributed by a specified contributor.


constraining donut as lat/lon/minRadius/maxRadius

-e, --end, --endtime=<endTime>

Limit to events on or before the specified end time.


Select a specific event by ID; event identifiers are data center specific.


display a help message


host to connect to, defaults to


Specify if all magnitudes for the event should be included, default is data center dependent but is suggested to be the preferred magnitude only.


Specify if all origins for the event should be included, default is data center dependent but is suggested to be the preferred origin only.


Specify if phase arrivals should be included.

--lat, --latitude=<latitude>

Specify the latitude to be used for a radius search.


Limit the results to the specified number of events.

--lon, --longitude=<longitude>

Specify the longitude to the used for a radius search.

-m, --magnitude=<magnitudeRange> [<magnitudeRange>]

The range of acceptable magnitudes, max may be omitted.


Limit to events with depth less than the specified maximum.

--maxlat, --maxlatitude=<maxLatitude>

Limit to events with a latitude smaller than the specified maximum.

--maxlon, --maxlongitude=<maxLongitude>

Limit to events with a longitude smaller than the specified maximum.

--maxmag, --maxmagnitude=<maxMagnitude>

Limit to events with a magnitude smaller than the specified maximum.


Limit to events within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.


Limit to events with depth more than the specified minimum.

--minlat, --minlatitude=<minLatitude>

Limit to events with a latitude larger than the specified minimum.

--minlon, --minlongitude=<minLongitude>

Limit to events with a longitude larger than the specified minimum.

--minmag, --minmagnitude=<minMagnitude>

Limit to events with a magnitude larger than the specified minimum.


Limit to events within the specified minimum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.


nodata http return code

-o, --output=<outputFile>

File for outputing result


Return results starting at the event count specified, starting at 1.


Order the result by time or magnitude with the following possibilities: time: order by origin descending time time-asc : order by origin ascending time magnitude: order by descending magnitude magnitude-asc : order by ascending magnitude


port to connect to, defaults to 80


Construct and print URL and exit


Output the raw data to stdout


prints schema

-t, --magtype, --magnitudetype=<magnitudeType>

Specify a magnitude type to use for testing the minimum and maximum limits.


Limit to events updated after the specified time.

-v, --verbose


-V, --version

Print version and exit


Validate XML against schema


Ask for magnitude 2 or larger events within 3 degrees of 32/-81 in December 2020 or January 2021.

> fdsnevent -b 2020-12 -e 2021-01 --donut 32/-81/0/3 -m 2
34.031166/-80.3835  2.05 md 2021-01-18T10:52:50.750Z
33.68667/-82.55883  2.38 md 2020-12-27T05:17:10.310Z
34.01483/-81.02033  2.37 md 2020-12-12T01:37:34.710Z

Only print the URL that would be accessed without connecting to the remote server.

> fdsnevent -b 2020-12 -e 2021-01 --donut 32/-81/0/3 -m 2 --printurl

Output the raw quakeml to a file.

> fdsnevent -b 2020-12 -e 2021-01 --donut 32/-81/0/3 -m 2 --raw -o events.quakeml